Magyar Műszaki Értelmiség Napja 2012

The largest event of the Hungarian engineering society, the Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day, will be held for the sixth time this year. Its aim is to draw attention to the role of technical intelligence in the Hungarian national economy.

Recent decades have clearly shown that the innovative economy is the engine of development, of economic upswing. The XXI. In the 20th century, the competitiveness of the economy is determined by the knowledge content of the industry, which is sourced from a highly skilled workforce.

The Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day series of events aims to draw attention to the fact that Hungary can only embark on a stable development path if significant development programs are launched in the field of technical and natural science training, the social esteem of professionals working in this field increases and their professional judgment improves.

The event will start on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 3:00 pm with a concert by the Benkó Dixieland Band at the University of Óbuda. The next day we will continue with a new initiative, the “ Innovation Day ” program - with company presentations, student innovation results, creative programs in Budapest and other higher education cities - Debrecen, Gödöllő, Győr, Kecskemét, Miskolc, Szeged, Veszprém. By enrolling in the “Innovation Day” program, the directors aim to strengthen the connection between science, economic actors, and high school students. This idea is reflected in the series of events “ Technical Intellectuals - Together for the Future. Science -Education - Economy " slogan, which permeates the entire program of the Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day.

The scientific conference will be held on Wednesday, June 6, in the Great Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The series of events will end the next day, Thursday, with a ceremonial sitting in the Upper House of the Hungarian Parliament .

Наверняка многие из вас тратят часы и дни в поисках запроса ссылка на гидру официальный сайт. Не теряй время, OMG!OMG! – это прекрасная площадка с постоянным стабильным доступом и качественным соединением.

Closing of the Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day 2012

A VI. At the extended meeting of the Organizing Committee of the Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day held on July 2, 2012, the participants discussed the evaluation and future of the 2012 program series in the presentation of Dr. Imre Rudas, Chairman of the Organizing Committee. The participants stated that the event achieved its goal and drew attention to the role of technical intellectuals in the Hungarian national economy with its widely organized programs. The participants of the extended organizing committee meeting expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the staff of the main organizing University of Óbuda, especially to the rector Imre Rudas, who is acting as chairman.

A Magyar Műszaki Értelmiség Napja rendezvénysorozat a jövőben is fel kívánja hívni a figyelmet arra, hogy Magyarország csak akkor állhat stabil fejlődési pályára, ha a műszaki és természettudományos képzés területén markáns fejlesztési programok indulnak, melynek következtében nő az e területen tevékenykedő szakemberek társadalmi megbecsülése, javul a szakmai megítélése, presztizse.

The participants of the series of events expressed their intention to join the 6th day of the Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day, the birthday of Donát Bánki, one of the greatest engineer geniuses, in the future. In this spirit, the Organizing Committee has agreed that next year in Győr Széchenyi István University main organized 3 to 6 June 2013 will be held between the VII. Hungarian Technical Intelligence Day series of events.